Private Transfer Siem Reap to Battambang by airconditioned Transport Mini-van MCD, minivan 7seat SUV, Toyota Highlander, Lexus SUV (sport utility vehicles) sedan camry with safety betls take 3:30Hrs to 4hours drive, passengers will enjoy avie both side of road from drive passing ricepaddy field. You will travel from Siem Reapt to Svay Sesapoin on road #6 then off to road number #5 to Battamang the province fully tropical food and famous in rice produicing area.
type of Transport |
Pax |
Cost |
What inclued |
child seat extra |
1-3 ( Sedan ) |
$ 60 USD |
gasoline, toll fee, Driver |
$10 USD |
4-5 ( 7 Seats Van ) |
120USD |
Mini Lesxus 4 seats with safety betls |
$ 65 USD |
5-9 ( 15seats mini Van ) |
$130 USD |
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Cambodia Local Tours + Ground Transfer
Cambodia Shuttle Transfer